The Netflix Original film, directed by Ruchi Narain, will be streamed on the platform from 6 March.
Guilty trailer: Kiara Advani's character battles truth and perception in an intriguing drama
Mumbai - 18 Feb 2020 17:39 IST
Updated : 19 Feb 2020 19:55 IST
Shriram Iyengar
Kiara Advani is at the centre of an intriguing Rashomon-style drama in Ruchi Narain's Guilty. The actress plays the songwriter girlfriend of a musician (Gurfateh Pirzada) who is facing a charge of rape. The Netflix Original film will be streamed on the platform from 6 March.
The trailer begins with a determined Nanki (Advani) looking to tell her version of the story. The film unfolds from her perspective and captures her struggles and conflicts.
Nanki is part of a rising music band with Vijay Pratap Singh aka VJ (Pirzada), Tashi and Hardy. While their St Martin's College group grows in popularity, it also draws a lot of hangers-on. Among them is Tanu Sharma (Akansha Ranjan Kapoor), who later accuses VJ of rape. Soon accusations and counter accusations are traded, with both sides claiming the other is out to seek revenge.
Ruchi Narain's trailer is intriguing with several red herrings thrown in. The visuals of VJ encouraging flirty behaviour while Nanki walks away in anger, or Nanki slapping Tanu even as the latter accuses her and her friends of ragging and discrimination, are examples.
While the trailer refuses to assign blame to any one person, it feels as though the battle lies within Advani's Nanki, who has to come to terms with her own privilege, biases, and the conflict in the end.
The truth will be investigated by Taher Shabbir's lawyer while Niki Walia plays the defence attorney looking to prove the allegations wrong.
Guilty has been written by Ruchi Narain, Atika Chohan and Kanika Dhillon.
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