Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal opened at a good number of Rs11.75 crore nett. Normally, a film is expected to grow in the next two days [Saturday and Sunday]. But the Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan-starrer has done just the opposite.
The film's collections dipped on Saturday, where it made only Rs7 crore nett. It dropped even further on Sunday by collecting only Rs6.50 crore nett, according to figures shared by
The clear reason for this trend in collections is that the film has received a lot of negative reviews.
With Love Aaj Kal making only Rs6.50 crore nett on Sunday, it is likely that the film will fall further on its first Monday.
Interestingly, the opening of Love Aaj Kal is Kartik’s highest till date. His previous best was Pati Patni Aur Woh (2019), which had opened at Rs8.34 crore nett. This is not good news since Love Aaj Kal, as per our trade sources, has been made at a budget of Rs50 crore. More importantly, the film has shown a downward trend in the first weekend itself.
What’s worse for the film is that the Ayushmann Khurrana-starrer Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan (2020) is releasing this week which is expected to open big because of the actor’s clout and the strong buzz it has already created.