The Sanjay Mishra-starrer Guthlee aims to delve deep into the menace of casteism in rural areas of India. Directed by Ishrat R Khan, the film also stars Kalyanee Mulay, who has received acclaim for her stellar performance in Nude (2018), and Subrat Dutta.
According to an official statement from the makers, the film, presented by Pradeep Rangwani and UV Films, is centred on a small boy whose desire to study is hindered by casteism and a family that leaves no stone unturned to ensure that the child receives an education.
Mishra is glad to be a part of the project and is eager to start shooting soon. “Guthlee is a film with a large heart. It highlights the very important message of casteism and its repercussions, which are faced by the underprivileged. I’m looking forward to the shoot as I really believe that these stories should be told and must reach as many people as possible,” he said.
Rangwani said that the film would be shot on a start-to-finish basis. “Guthlee is a beautiful film which tackles a sensitive subject through a heart-warming story. We begin filming in a couple of days. We have an absolutely stellar cast and crew and I’m very confident about our project,” he said.