Janhavi Dhanrajgir, who will make her acting debut in the romantic drama Bolo Hau (2020), has said she was fortunate to get a chance to work under filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar and superstar Salman Khan. Dhanrajgir has served as an assistant editor on Gunday (2014) and Kick (2014) as well as an assistant director on Sultan (2016).
The actress said, "I believe that as a filmmaker, especially if I ever go on to direct my own film someday, it's important to understand every aspect of making a film. You don’t, and probably won’t, be good at everything, but having the overall knowledge equips you to better understand and know what you’re asking of your team.
Referring to Khan. as a superstar in the truest sense, she said, "He has this larger-than-life feel. it's actually mind-blowing to see the kind of adulation he inspires. He was always kind and warm towards me. He told me once, 'Madamji, you have a really nice face for print, you should try giving acting a shot'. Perhaps that’s what gave me the final push I needed.”
Jahnavi plays a young woman, Rukhsar, who was born into a family of erstwhile nawabs but faces financial issues in Bolu Hau, a love story rooted in Hyderabadi culture. She has been cast opposite Ankit Rathi who was last seen in Excel Entertainment’s 3 Storeys (2018).
Directed by Tarun Dhanrajgir, Bolo Hau is slated to be released on 15 January 2021.