Helmed by Pandurang Jadhav, the film stars child artistes Rajvirsingh Raje Gayakwad and Devanshi Sawant and features Shashank Shende, Mangesh Desai, Hemangi Kavi and Chhaya Kadam.
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The makers of the upcoming Bharat Majha Desh Ahe have finally unveiled the cast of the film.
The film stars child artistes Rajvirsingh Raje Gayakwad and Devanshi Sawant, who have appeared on the television show Tuzhat Jeev Rangala and will make their debuts in the Marathi film industry with the project. Bharat Majha Desh Ahe also features Shashank Shende, Mangesh Desai, Chhaya Kadam and Hemangi Kavi.
As the title suggests, the film deals with the theme of patriotism. Earlier, the makers had unveiled the first title poster of the project which depicts a memorial to a fallen soldier in the foreground and two children running in the background.
Bharat Majha Desh Ahe is being directed by Pandurang Jadhav who has also co-written the film along with Nishant Dhapse. This is Jadhav's third film after Manatalya Unhaat (2015) and Dry Day (2017).
Bharat Majha Desh Ahe has been produced by Dr Ashish Agrawal and ABC Creations.