The trailer of Saptaswa Basu’s upcoming thriller Pratidwandi promises a narrative that has several layers of complexity. Starring Saswata Chatterjee and Rudranil Ghosh, the film evidently has an intense plot centred on a rivalry in which politics plays a crucial role.
Pratidwani sees Chatterjee and Ghosh play one Dr Bakshi and a mathematics teacher, Sukumar Sen, respectively. Rini Ghosh and Sourav Das play detectives while Saayoni Ghosh essays the role of a politician in the film.
While Basu’s trailer suggests a lot of twists involving kidnapping incidents, it keeps one's anticipation alive without giving away the storyline. However, it is apparent from Sen’s recitation at the beginning against the backdrop of a child smiling innocently at him that he, probably, is the mastermind behind a kidnapping racket. On the other hand, glimpses of him venting out his frustration at not being able to solve a maths problem suggest that the crimes he commits are part of complex psychological mind-games.
The trailer doesn't reveal much about Dr Bakshi’s character except for a scene at the end, where he seems to enjoys his apparent victory over a defeated Sen. Saayoni Ghosh’s character rather seems layered, hinting at themes such as corruption and morality.
The look and colour gradation of the trailer as well as the sequences depicting conflict hint at a pacy thriller. The audience has something to look forward to in the clashing personalities of Chatterjee and Ghosh's though one is unsure who the true antagonist is.
Check out the trailer and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.