In the upcoming Netflix original film Class of '83 (2020), Bobby Deol plays Vijay Singh, the dean of a police training academy. Frustrated by red tape that hinders his job, he assembles five students from the academy to form an encounter specialist team. Their goal is to kill every member of the dreaded Kalsekar gang.
The trailer also indicates that Singh has some personal vendetta against the gang and his associates. We have seen this subject matter in many Hindi films such as Shootout At Lokhandwala (2007) and Shootout At Wadala (2013), and it will be interesting to see if this film offers something new.
This is Bobby Deol's digital debut and from the trailer, it looks like he has chosen the right project for his debut.
The trailer raises some questions about the makers' approach towards police brutality, the most discussed topic in the world right now after the novel coronavirus. "Sometimes, to maintain order, one needs to break the law," a character states.
Class of '83 is adapted from writer Hussain Zaidi’s novel of the same name by writer Abhijeet Shirish Deshpande. The film also stars Vishwajeet Pradhan, Joy Sengupta, Bhupendra Jadawat, Ninad Mahajani, Hitesh Bhojraj, Sameer Paranjape, and Prithvik Pratap.
Directed by Atul Sabharwal and produced by Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment, Class of '83 will be premiered on Netflix from 21 August. This is Red Chillies’ third collaboration with Netflix, following the web-sereis Bard of Blood and Betaal.
Watch the trailer below and let us know if you are keen to watch the film.