The black and white Malayalam film will be screened in the non-competitive section of the Moscow International Film Festival in Russia.
Don Palathara's 1956, Central Travancore to be premiered at Moscow in October
Mumbai - 28 Aug 2020 20:24 IST
Updated : 20:27 IST
Our Correspondent
Filmmaker Don Palathara's next 1956, Central Travancore (2020) will have its world premiere at the 42nd edition of the Moscow International Film Festival this October in the non-competitive section.
The festival, which was originally due to be held in April, had been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will now be held from 1–8 October. Since the film’s team won’t be able to travel to show their film at the festival, there will be an online interaction with Don Palathara after it is screened in a theatre in the Russian capital.
Like the filmmaker's previous works Shavam and Vith, 1956, Central Travancore has been shot in black and white. The film revolves around two brothers Kora (Assif Yogi) and Onan (Jain Andrews) who are migrants in Idukki district.
1956, Central Travancore, written and directed by Don Palathara, also stars Kani Kusruti, Shaun Romy, and Krishnan Balakrishnan.
Another Malayalam film, Sajin Baabu’s Biriyaani (2019), is also being screened at the festival.
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