In the newly-released character teaser of MX Player's upcoming web-series Aashram (2020), actor Darshan Kumaar is seen in the role of a dedicated cop. Ujagar Singh, as his character is called, is determined to solve the mystery of the human skeleton found in the aashram of Baba Nirala Kashipurwala, played by Bobby Deol.
Singh faces many hurdles in the course of his investigation as the Baba uses his political clout to stop him. His disciples also create problems during Singh's investigation. It is a short teaser but it gives the viewer an idea about Kumaar's character and the godman's far-reaching influence.
The nine-part web-series, which will be begin streaming on the OTT from 28 August, also features Aaditi Sudhir Pohankar, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Anupriya Goenka, Adhyayan Suman and Tridha Choudhury. The series has been produced and directed by Prakash Jha.
Watch the teaser below and let us know if you are keen to watch the series.