Reliance Entertainment had revealed in June that Rohit Shetty's Sooryavanshi (2020) and Kabir Khan's 83 (2020), would be released in theatres on Diwali and Christmas, respectively, this year. But the company's chief executive officer (CEO), Shibashish Sarkar has recently said that they would not like to delay the films any further.
Sarkar, in a conversation with the website Bollywood Hungama, said, “We are 100% inclined to take the theatrical route. However, at the same time, we don't want to delay the release further than practically possible. That means we will not like to push release dates beyond Diwali/Christmas. So the first option is to go theatrical if cinemas open up and audiences are back.”
Cinema halls have been shut since mid-March because of the COVID-19 pandemic and there is no clarity yet on when they will reopen.
Sarkar added, “If either cinema halls don't open or the corona impact increases manifold and audiences are not coming, or in some states, theatres open and in some states they won't, in those scenarios, we will have to explore all options. Either pure SVOD (video on demand) routes, or TVOD/PPV (pay per view) routes like what the makers of Mulan are planning. Or part theatrical and part TVOD. Or in some states and countries, theatrical and some digital.”
But a post on Reliance Entertainment's official Twitter page later said that the company was confident the situation later this year would allow them to release both films in theatres. “We are very confident that the ongoing theatrical exhibition situation will improve much in time for the release of our awaited films, Sooryavanshi and 83, this Diwali and Christmas, respectively," it said.
We are very confident that the ongoing theatrical exhibition situation will improve much in time for the release of our awaited films, Sooryavanshi and 83, this Diwali and Christmas, respectively.
— Reliance Entertainment (@RelianceEnt) August 23, 2020