Ever since the the lockdown was imposed in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, actor, comedian Vir Das took it upon himself to entertain people through his online comedy shows. He did 30 shows from March to June, with people from all across the globe tuning in. The proceeds for each show went to different charities involved in COVID-19 relief work.
Now Das has picked up interesting moments from each of his 30 shows and created an episode titled Inside Out, which will premiere on his official website on 21 August. Indian viewers will have to pay Rs30 while foreign viewers will be able to watch it for $1. The proceeds of this show too will be used for COVID-19 relief work.
Speaking about his initiative, Das said in an official statement, “Week on week the encouraging response kept pouring in and we knew there was enough material to make a special. We recorded all the virtual shows in advance and it’s turned out quite interesting.”
Sharing the importance of online shows in such times, Das said, “I decided to talk about our collective fears and give it a light touch. In such times when we don’t know when we can do our next physical gig or shoot for a special, we thought this was a good way of changing with the changing times. This isn’t the new normal honestly, but this is a novel alternative, for now.”
The actor, who was last seen in the Hindi web-series Hasmukh (2020), shared the first trailer of Inside Out on YouTube.