Actor Chiranjeevi on Tuesday shared an adorable video in which he’s seen bonding with his granddaughter over a hit number from his Telugu film, Khaidi No 150 (2017). The video, which has gone viral, is winning the internet.
In the video, Chiranjeevi is seen talking to his granddaughter Navishka about the song ‘You And Me’ from his film, Khaidi No 150. One can see how much she loves the song and wants to hear it on repeat. When the actor pauses the song to catch her priceless reaction, she starts crying and he is forced to resume the song.
“Always amazed @ the power of music. Just over 1 yr & how this little kid enjoyed music & tried doing dance moves is sheer bliss. Paused & played music 2 see. She was really loving it,” Chiranjeevi tweeted.
Always amazed @ the power of music.Just over 1 yr & how this little kid enjoyed music & tried doing dance moves is sheer bliss.Paused & played music 2 see she was really loving it.పాట నాది కాబట్టి,అమ్మమ్మ సురేఖ దగ్గర క్రెడిట్ నాకే😄 #PreLockdownMoments #Throwbackvideo #navishka_k
— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) April 28, 2020
On the career front, Chiranjeevi will next be seen in upcoming Telugu film, Acharya (2020), in which he’s rumoured to be playing dual roles. The film is being directed by Koratala Siva. The project marks their maiden collaboration.
The actor will also star in the Telugu remake of the Malayalam blockbuster, Lucifer soon. Sujeeth of Saaho (2019) fame has been roped in to direct the project, which will take off later this year.