Actor Swwapnil Joshi is delighted with the kind of response his first web-series, Samantar, is getting. “The response has been unbelievable! It has been amazing,” he told us in an exclusive conversation. “It’s scary how the response has been," he added.
Directed by Satish Rajwade, Samantar is a thriller based on the book by the same name by Suhas Shirwalkar. It also stars Nitish Bharadwaj and Tejaswini Pandit.
Joshi believes that the lockdown is also the reason why more people are watching online content these days. “I think everybody is home so they are binge-watching OTT. A lot of TV channels have started showing repeat content as the episodic bank is over. This is another reason why more people are watching OTT,” he said.
The ending of the first season of Samantar clearly indicated a possibility for the second season. When asked about the status of the second season, Joshi said, “Of course we have [planned], but like everyone else our plan has also gone out of the window because of the lockdown. So now, the actual planning will eventually start once the lockdown gets over and we can go back to work and our normal lives.”
The actor believes this is not the right time to plan the shoot. “There is a lot of speculation right now. Somebody is saying it [lock-down] will end on 14 April, while someone else is saying it will extend till 30 June. So we have decided to just wait. Let this lockdown finish and then we will get into planning,” he said.
Joshi will next be seen in the horror movie Bali (2020).