The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), led by chairman Prasoon Joshi, unveiled its new logo and certificate design at a special event over the weekend. Union minister for information & broadcasting and environment, forest & climate change, Prakash Javadekar was on hand to launch the new look amidst Indian film industry personalities like Kangana Ranaut, Vidya Balan, Sanjay Khan, Satish Kaushik, Madhur Bhandarkar, Siddharth Roy Kapur, Prahlad Kakkar, Kiran Shantaram, Kunal Kohli and others.
The new logo and design, by Rohit Devgun, with technical support from NSDL, is both minimalistic and efficient. The certificate contains a QR code, and information about certification can be found online. Joshi also collaborated for the final look.
"I believe design should reflect the contemporary digital world and leverage the ease that technology has brought in our work processes. The design change is not cosmetic; it is extremely functional and underlines CBFC’s positive value-added approach," Joshi said at the event.
Chief guest Prakash Javadekar also indicated that the government will be changing the Cinematograph Act to curb piracy and shared information about the upcoming golden jubilee edition of International Film Festival of India (IFFI).
“IFFI this year will be very special. The theme of IFFI 2019 is Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. The opening and closing ceremonies will reflect this theme. We are trying to have Film Business Summit, which will look into the business aspect of films. Film Bazaar is planned to be organized in Mumbai, which will look into business promotion, technology diffusion and export promotion," Javadekar said.
Joshi also spoke about the role the CBFC has played to bring in a smoother, more collaborative process in taking forward the issues of the industry. The current CBFC board is made up of Narendra Kohli, Vidya Balan, Waman Kendre, Vivek Agnihotri, Gautami Tadimalla, T. S. Nagabharana, Vani Tripathi Tikoo, Naresh Chander Lal, Neil Herbert Nongkynrih, Jeevitha Rajasekhar, Ramesh Patange and Mihir Bhuta.