Dream Girl has become second Ayushmann Khurrana film to enter the Rs100 crore club after last year’s Badhaai Ho. The film reached the triple figure yesterday on its second Tuesday when it earned Rs3.25 crore nett, as per figures shared by BoxOfficeIndia.com.
Directed by first-time filmmaker Raaj Shaandilyaa, Dream Girl (2019) is about a young man, Karam, who develops an alter ego as Pooja at a 'friendship' call centre and gains male and female admirers. The film also stars Nushrat Bharucha, Annu Kapoor, Vijay Raaz and Rajesh Sharma.
The film, which is an out-and-out comedy, received positive reviews and word-of-mouth from the audience. This coupled with Khurrana’s newfound stardom seem to have worked majorly in favour of the film.
Dream Girl earned an impressive Rs70.12 crore nett in its first week. In the second week so far, it has made a good Rs31.50 crore nett. The film’s grand total currently stands at Rs101.62 crore nett. As per our trade sources, it is made at a cost of Rs30 crore. Hence, it has achieved a high return in investment.
Khurrana’s highest earner is Badhaai Ho which had a lifetime collections of Rs134.46 crore. It needs to be seen if Dream Girl crosses that number at the ticket window and becomes the actor’s highest score.