Ayushmann Khurrana's purple patch at the box office continues with Dream Girl (2019) comfortably finishing with Rs43.50 crore in its purse after the first weekend. According to numbers from BoxOfficeIndia.com, the Raaj Shaandilyaa film managed to add Rs34 crore over Saturday and Sunday to its opening day earnings of Rs9.50 crore.
The film is currently ninth on the top 20 opening weekends of 2019, behind Gully Boy (Rs50.71 cr) and Super 30 (Rs50.58 cr) at seven and eight respectively.
Dream Girl was the biggest opening for Ayushmann Khurrana, beating his previous best of Rs7.50 crore by Badhaai Ho (2018). The film made the most of its buzz by adding Rs16 crore on Saturday, and Rs18 crore on Sunday. The collections, according to BoxOfficeIndia.com, were more than that of Chhichhore (2019), which released last week.
The Nitesh Tiwari film continues to have a strong hold on the box office. After collecting Rs66.84 crore on its first week, the film added Rs24.50 crore on the second weekend. This takes its total up to approxiametely Rs91.34 crores.
Having held up against Dream Girl, Chhichhore starring Sushant Singh Rajput, Shraddha Kapoor and an ensemble cast, might hit the Rs100 crore number over the week. The film's second weekend collection is the fourth-best second weekend of the year, behind Kabir Singh, Uri-The Surgical Strike, and Mission Mangal.
Meanwhile, Richa Chadha-Akshaye Khanna's Section 375 continues to flounder at the box office with a total of Rs8.04 crore. According to trade analyst, the film opened with Rs1.45 crore. However, the critical appreciation and word of mouth for the film helped in increasing its collection on Saturday, with Rs3.07 crore and Rs3.52 crore on Sunday.
#Section375 goes from strength to strength... Very commendable, since it faced two major opponents [#DreamGirl, #Chhichhore]... Weekdays crucial... Fri 1.45 cr, Sat 3.07 cr, Sun 3.52 cr. Total: ₹ 8.04 cr. #India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 16, 2019