The trailer of Arindam Sil’s upcoming film Mitin Mashi lacks the required energy and suspense of a thriller. Featuring Koel Mallick as the sleuth, originally conceptualised by the late novelist Suchitra Bhattacharya, Mitin Mashi is also the debut film of acclaimed Hindi film actor Vinay Pathak.
The detective story revolves around the sudden kidnap of a boy called Raunaq Zariwala, the son of Pathak and June Malia. When Mr Zariwala is threatened by the kidnappers to not take the aide of the police, he asks for Mitin’s assistance.
Mitin’s involvement is informed to the kidnappers by some insider and it creates more complications in the investigation. While Raunaq’s mother pleads with her husband to prioritise Raunaq’s life over every other concern, Mitin eventually gets closer to the bottom of the case.
The trailer gives the impression of a weak screenplay and it also ends up revealing a lot regarding the case. Apart from Mitin getting into fights and some repetitive and loud background score, no other element in the trailer, generates anticipation for the thriller.
The colour tone and the use of light in the sequences also lack drama and doesn’t change much, indicating twists.
The trailer coming from the maker of Byomkesh and Shobor series rather appears underwhelming. Mallick doesn’t seem to add much to the character of Mitin and fails to live up to the expectation that it attempted to generate through the teaser with ample promises on the potential of a female detective.
Mitin Mashi is slated for release during Puja this October. Watch the trailer below and let us know if you are keen to watch the film.