Amruta Khanvilkar and Pushkar Jog will be starring together for the first time in the upcoming Marathi movie Well Done Baby. The two of them revealed the same through a video announcement yesterday, 8 October, on the occasion of Dussehra.
The film will be the directorial debut by Priyanka Tanwar. She has made short films and assisted in the Aamir Khan-starrer Talaash (2012) and the actor’s well-known social television series, Satyamev Jayate.
Nothing much is known about Well Done Baby as yet. In the video, Khanvilkar says that the film will be shot in one of her most favourite locations but the place is currently kept under wraps. The video also sees Khanvilkar and Jog arguing in a sweet way. Maybe this is what their characters would be like in the movie too.
Khanvilkar is awaiting the release of the Marathi film Pondicherry, which also stars Sai Tamhankar and Vaibhav Tatwawaadi. It’s directed by Sachin Kundalkar whose last film Gulabjaam (2018) was highly appreciated and was also a success at the box office.
Jog’s last film was a light-hearted saga titled Ti And Ti (2019), which he had also produced.