In the official press release of the upcoming Marathi movie Bakaal (2019), the makers described its lead actor Chaitanya Mestry, making his debut, as, “Just like Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff and Vidyut Jammwal, Marathi cinema has also found its own action star. He will be doing all this stunts by himself.”
The teaser of Bakaal shows Mestry carrying out various stunts and action sequences. So we can see him do probably everything that an action star does in movies, including bashing up and finishing off the bad guys. The actor is natural and carries off the stunts well.
But apart from the action, you can’t really make out anything else from the teaser. The editor has haphazardly included every single character from the film in the teaser of around one minute. Hence, it is impossible to know what the film is about, except that Mestry plays a sort of a commando named Chaitanya itself whose mission is to finish off anti-social elements.
The entire treatment and presentation is outdated and tacky. This also includes an unintentionally hilarious dialogue which translates to, “In front of Chaitanya even if you manage to get noticed, you should consider it as your victory.” And it is mandatory to have a ‘heroine’ in such films who is in awe of the ‘hero.’
Bakaal also stars known names like Alka Kubal and Ganesh Yadav. The film is the directorial debut of cinematographer Sameer Athalye, and is due to be released on 8 November.
Watch the teaser below and let us know if you are keen to watch the film.