The 19th New York Indian Film Festival will see Ritesh Batra, Rima Das, Arijit Singh and Rohena Gera compete for the Best Director award. The festival, which began on the 7 May 2019 will conclude on the 12 May, later this week.
Arijit Singh's Sa and Rohena Gera's Sir are also competing with Vasanth S Sai's Sivaranjani and Two Other Women, Adinath Kothare's Paani (2018), and Swarnavel Eswaran's Kattumuram are in the running for the Best Film gong.
Manoj Bajpayee (Bhonsle), Chandan Roy Sanyal (The Flight), and Mysskin (Kattumuram) join Adinath Kothare (Paani) and Mu Ramaswamy (KD) in the nomination for Best Actor category.
The Best Actress category sees a number of veterans like Seema Biswas (Abode), Neena Gupta (The Last Color), Aparna Sen (The Bose Family) lined up alongside Tillotama Shome (Sir) and Rasika Dugal (Hamid) for the top prize.
In addition to the feature, the competition will also see Sapna Bhavnani's Sindhustan, Subhash Sahoo's The Sound Man Mangesh Desai, with Indu Krishnan's stark documentary, Good Guy Bad Guy.