The Indian filmmaker won the third prize in the international section at the fourth edition of the Nespresso Talents as part of the Critics' Week at Cannes.
Cannes 2019: Achyutanand Dwivedi's Seed Mother wins Nespresso Talents prize
Mumbai - 21 May 2019 18:24 IST
Our Correspondent
There is no Indian film in competition at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival this year, but filmmaker Achyutanand Dwivedi's short documentary Seed Mother won the third prize in the international section at the fourth edition of Nespresso Talents last week.
Congratulations to Indian filmmaker #AchyutanandDwivedi on his Cannes win! He has been awarded the #NespressoTalent2019 award for his short film, Seed Mother. #Cannes2019
— MN Plus | Gold Class (@mnplustv) May 20, 2019
The first prize went to Josh Morrice's film Subak from New Zealand, which explores rice cultivation in Bali, Indonesia, while the second prize was given to Marco Aurelio Celis’s Ruffo from Mexico.
Dwivedi's three-minute film focuses on Rahibai Soma Popere of Maharashtra, a local woman who campaigns for traditional farming methods in villages and has vast knowledge of local seeds.
The Nespresso Talents contest, held each year as part of the Cannes Critics’ Week, is open to films vertically in the 9/16 video format.
The theme at Nespresso Talents this year was 'We Are What We Eat', to show diversity around the world and share food knowledge across cultures.
There were 371 entries from 47 countries in three different categories, which were Farming and Biodiversity, Food Heritage and the Value Chain, and Food in Popular Cultures.
Seed Mother is available online for a limited time.
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