The much awaited trailer of Raja Chanda’s upcoming thriller Kidnap is out now. Though termed as a "masala film" by lead actress Rukmini Maitra at the teaser launch of the film, Kidnap seems to have much more in store than action, romance and comedy.
Kidnap, featuring Dev Adhikari and Maitra in the lead, deals with the issue of woman trafficking across South Asia. The trailer begins with a father (Chandan Sanyal) making petition to the chief minister of the state to find his daughter, who has gone missing for two months. His desperation grows as it becomes evident from reports that his daughter has been transported to Dubai by traffickers.
He accuses people in the administration and in turn, gets badly bashed up for his apparent audacity. On the other hand, the police commissioner is heard to be taking responsibility of the crime.
Enter Adhikari, who comes to the police with a similar complaint about a girl gone missing from the Dubai airport. Some notorious people don't mind bashing up the helpless father gets thrashed as they attempt to make fun of the issue.
As written in the visuals, despite being a common man, Adhikari begins to take the law in his hands to unravel the racket and begin a rescue mission as the girl is none other than his beloved.
The trailer then goes into flashback to offer some glimpses of the lovers’ romance. Cut to the present time, it is revealed that many girls, like the ones who have been kidnapped, are under the surveillance of the traffickers.
The rest of it delivers a sense of action sequences in exotic locations with special effects, glamour and a few over the top dialogues, stating Dev’s pledge to be successful in his mission, that ultimately justify Maitra’s comment on the film.
The striking aspect of the film is perhaps going to be the twisted journey Dev embarks upon in his mission. Also, the way photojournalist Meghna (Maitra), who gets abducted for investigating into the racket, turns into a victim, but never surrenders to the criminals creates an interesting plot in the storyline.
Kidnap is due to be released on Eid, 5 June.
Watch the trailer below: