Actress Shraddha Srinath, last seen on screen in Tamil thriller K 13 (2019), has been paired opposite Vishal in an upcoming yet-untitled thriller which is tipped to be the sequel to last year’s cyber thriller Irumbuthirai (2018), which starred Vishal in the role of an army man.
Shraddha also has Nerkonda Paarvai (2019), the Tamil remake of Pink (2016) starring Ajith, in her kitty. She reprises Taapsee Pannu’s role from the original in the remake, which is slated for release on 10 August.
Vishal is producing the sequel which is said to have already gone on the floors. While the rest of the cast and crew are yet to be finalised; it has been learnt from reliable sources that Vishal will return in the role of an army man, Shraddha will be seen as a police officer.
Irumbuthirai, which released last year, was highly appreciated for its breakneck narrative and throwing the spotlight on cyber crimes. The film featured Arjun Sarja as the antagonist.
Newcomer Anand is directing the sequel, which marks the first time pairing of Vishal and Shraddha.
Meanwhile, Vishal will also soon work on the sequel to Thupparivaalan (2017) with filmmaker Mysskin. The project is slated go on the floors later this year.
Vishal had confirmed that the film will be produced by him and will roll from November after the completion of pending commitments.
In Thupparivaalan (2017), Vishal played a detective called Kaniyan Poogundran, modeled after the literary character Sherlock Holmes. Actor Prasanna played his sidekick Prabhakaran, a character close to Holmes’s sleuthing partner Dr Watson.
Vishal confirmed he will be reuniting with Mysskin for the sequel even before the release of Thupparivaalan.