The trailer of Saptaswa Basu’s debut film Network is puzzling, dark and intriguing at the same time. Featuring Saswata Chatterjee and Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Network promises a tale of revenge through a reality show that uses the stardom of the participants to get the worst out of them.
Saswata Chatterjee plays showrunner Abhijit Ganguly, who plans to make a television show titled Sandhan, his last. However, he faces criticism and jeers from his rival, played by Chakraborty. Abhijit, however, takes up the challenge despite Chakraborty’s boast that he is always a step ahead.
The trailer is full of jump cuts and it is hard to figure out who is actually producing the celebrity lifestyle show. Actor Anindya Chatterjee's character plays a key role in the conspiracies and is aware of the complex design of the show.
Rini Ghosh and Indrajit Mazumder enact two celebrities who become part of the show that is constantly under surveillance. Both Chakraborty and Saswata Chatterjee seem to reap satisfaction through the show at the cost of the celebrities’ privacy.
Gradually the show begins to blur all the lines between fiction and reality. Before the celebrities realize it, they are trapped in a game of deceit that turns their lives into a "sick joke", forcing them to regret not having been careful before signing on the dotted line to join the show.
While Chakraborty orders the show's telecast stopped, Abhijit continues to reap enjoyment from it. He is eventually termed a psycho, but that does not stop him from achieving the goal that pushed him to lay his hands on the dirty game.
Since the trailer doesn’t give away much of the story, it raises anticipation about what exactly the show is. But it also offers a grim experience rather than engaging suspense. The dark colours used in the visuals might weigh too heavy on the audience experience.
Watch the trailer below and let us know if you are keen to catch this film.