Amey Wagh recently announced on social media that his next film is titled Girlfriend. He also shared the poster of the movie on which he appeared with a cutout of a girl.
The teaser of the film lets us know a little more about his character Nachiket and his romantic woes.
As the title suggests, the film revolves around the issue of having a girlfriend. Wagh plays a geek who is pained that he has never had a girlfriend in his life. When he looks at other people around him, he feels like a loser.
The teaser talks about the social pressure on boys to have a girlfriend in today’s times. It portrays the emptiness of a guy who has always been single. However, it looks at the funny side of the issue and narrates the story of the protagonist in a light-hearted manner.
This is exactly what one expects when an actor like Wagh is playing the central character. There is always this undercurrent of natural humour in him, which is apparent here as well.
Girlfriend is written and directed by Upendra Sidhaye. The screenwriter and dialogue writer makes his directorial debut with this film.
Watch the teaser below and let us know if you are going to watch this film in the theatres.