Fox Star Studios has brought together Ali Fazal and Saif Ali Khan for a horror comedy. The project, helmed by director Pawan Kripalani (Phobia, 2016) will see the two actors team up for the first time in the comedy feature, titled Bhoot Police. Incidentally, Khan and Fazal lead original series on the opposing sides of the digital divide. While Khan leads the Netflix India Original, Sacred Games, Fazal stars in the Amazon Prime series, Mirzapur.
The film will also see Fatima Sana Shaikh join the cast.
Khan has been part of a horror comedy earlier in Go Goa Gone (2013), and will also be part of the sequel, Go Goa Gone 2 which is set to be announced soon. The film will mark Fazal's first horror comedy.
Bhoot Police is likely to go into production in August 2019.
Fazal is currently awaiting the release of Tigmanshu Dhulia's Milan Talkies on 15 March 2019. Meanwhile, Khan has Hunterr and Jawani Janeman on his plate for the year.