Actors Swapnil Joshi and Amruta Khanvilkar will be seen on the small screen in the television serial, Jeevalaga. The serial will also star another known face from Marathi cinema — Siddharth Chandekar, along with Madhura Deshpande.
With Jeevalaga, directed by Umesh Namjoshi, Joshi is returning to television, while Khanvilkar is making her small screen debut.
Joshi is happy to have gone back to the place where he started off. “I am a TV product and I am extremely proud of that. I enjoy doing TV. In fact, because of the serial and Star Pravah I have got a chance to go back to my roots; to revisit where it all started from,” he said during the launch of the show in Mumbai last evening.
The actor is known for doing love stories. But he said that Jeevalaga will be different from the love stories he has done so far. “I am generally known for doing love stories. But for this story I can surely say that generally where love stories end, Jeevalaga begins. I have never treaded on this path. So I am excited as this is a different love story,” he said.
Well-known filmmaker Satish Rajwade is the programming head for the channel. Under his direction in the past, Joshi has starred in the three Mumbai Pune Mumbai films and the hit TV serial, Eka Lagnachi Doosri Goshta. He was cast opposite Mukta Barve in both the projects.
Khanvilkar credits Rajwade for her entry into television. “For the first time I am trying to do something different on Marathi television. You will see a different Amruta, that is for sure. If Satish wouldn’t have specially asked me to do the serial, I wouldn’t have done it,” she said.
She was seen in two Hindi films last year, Raazi (2018) and Satyamev Jayate (2018). Khanvilkar also did the web-series Damaged. She believes these days, boundaries between films, TV and web-series are blurring. “Everybody is working everywhere, be it actors, writers or directors. For me the content was very important,” she said.
Joshi and Khanvilkar were cast together in the Marathi movie, Welcome Zindagi (2015).