A day after the announcement of Ajay Devgn led Bhuj - The Pride of India, there are reports emerging about Sanjay Dutt, Sonakshi Sinha, Parineeti Chopra, Rana Daggubati and Ammy Virk joining the film. Directed by Abhishek Dudhaiya, the film is based on the events that took place in a village in Bhuj during the 1971 Indo-Pak war.
The film's story revolves around the building of an airstrip by 300 women of Madhapur village, led by squadron leader Vijay Karnik, while under threat of attack by Pakistan during the 1971 Indo-Pak war. With Devgn playing the role of Karnik, the film will also have Dutt, Sinha and Daggubati playing pivotal roles.
Dutt is reportedly playing Ranchordas Svabhai Ravari, a 'pagi'. 'Pagi' is a man who can deduce the gender, height, weight, of a person based on their footprints. He was one of the key members who helped presciently predict the attack.
Sinha will play Sunderben Jetha Madhparya, a social worker and farmer, who helped retain the help of 299 women to build the airstrip that helped the squadron launch an air strike.
South superstar Daggubati plays the role of Madras regiment Lt Colonel who was posted in Vighakot chowki and fought the Indo-Pak 1971 war.
Chopra has been tasked with the role of Heena Rehman, a spy who passed on the key information about the attack to the Indian army.
The cast also includes Virk as a fighter pilot.
The film is the latest in a long line of features about achievements by the Indian Army arriving on the big screen.
Written and directed by Dudhaiya, the film will be produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ginny Khanuja, Vajir Singh, Abhishek Dudhaiya and Kumar Mangat Pathak.