The Odds (2019), a film by Megha Ramaswamy, will close the 17th edition of Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA) on 14 April. The filmmaker and the cast including Abhay Deol, Priyanka Bose, Monica Dogra and Yashaswini Dayama are expected to attend the premiere.
Ramaswamy's first feature film is the coming-of-age story of two teenagers who decided to bunk their exam and have a wondrous time in Mumbai instead. After the screening of the English language film, a question and answer session with the filmmaker and cast will follow.
Sriram Raghavan's Andhadhun (2018) is set to open the festival on 11 April. The film's leading lady, Tabu, will be honoured at the festival and both she and the director will be present for a conversation on stage.
The four-day festival will also screen filmmaker Anand Patwardhan’s acclaimed documentary Reason which had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) last year.