The Ali Abbas Zafar film dropped the ball a bit but still managed to collect over Rs20 crore nett on its third day at the counters.
Our Correspondent
A Salman Khan Eid release seems to be the inevitable mantra to get the cash counters ringing. Ali Abbas Zafar's Bharat added to its impressive two-day collection of nearly Rs72 crore nett with Rs21.25 crore on Friday, according to This takes the film's three-day earnings to Rs93 crore nett.
The film opened on Wednesday with Rs41.50 crore, before adding another Rs30 crore on Thursday. Friday saw a further drop of 30%, according to
The drop, however, should not worry the makers, as the film is expected to pick up on the weekend. While the Rs150 crore mark seems within reach, it remains to be seen how the weekend does for the film.
Made on a budget of nearly Rs150 crore, the film is likely to make the returns comfortably. However, it might fall short of the blockbuster mark unless the weekend collections go spiralling up.