While India is focussed on the World Cup, Abhinay Deo's film, Doosra (2019), turns its attention to another momentous cricket ocassion - The Natwest Series of 2002.
The film is a part documentary, part feature that draws parallels between the moment that transformed India into a cricketing powerhouse, and a girl's own battle to gain her freedom back home. Directed by Deo, the film features Ankur Vikal and Plabita Borthakur.
The trailer tracks the transformation of the Indian cricket scene in parallel with the transformation of Tara (Borthakur). As leading names from various industries from Piyush Pandey to Harsha Bhogle and Shashi Tharoor talk of the 2002 triumph as India's 'coming of age moment', the trailer cuts to the sight of Tara coming to terms with herself.
From cutting her hair to the implication of discovering her own gender preferences, and facing her father with it, Tara mirrors the rise of Indian cricket. As journalist Rajdeep Sardesai says, "It was a moment when we realised we are as we are, good enough."
The film is produced by Rohan Sajdeh, Masha Sajdeh, Steven Cantor and Jamie Schutz. Doosra's release date is yet to be announced.