Sanjay Dutt has ventured into Marathi cinema as a producer. His first Marathi production is titled Baba. The film is directed by first-time filmmaker Raj Gupta and it marks the Marathi film debut of known Hindi character actor Deepak Dobriyal.
Sanjay has dedicated the film to his father, the late veteran actor and filmmaker, Sunil Dutt. He shared the motion poster of the film and wrote an emotional note for his father that read, “Dedicating our first Marathi film “BABA” to the person who remained steadfast in my life through everything! Love you Dad.” Co-incidentally, Sanjay's nickname is also Baba.
The motion poster gives off a pleasant feeling. It shows the image of a rural boy sitting on a bicycle with his father cycling through the fields.
The mouth organ tune played in the background is enjoyable. All in all, the motion poster makes it clear that it’s a light-hearted slice-of-life film.
Director Gupta has worked as an assistant director and script supervisor in some well-known films including Tanu Weds Manu (2011), D-Day (2013), Mary Kom (2014), and Bucket List (2018).