Nihalani had directed Bachchan for the first time in Dev (2004), which also starred Om Puri, Kareena Kapoor and Fardeen Khan.
If all goes well, I may be working with Amitabh Bachchan again, says Govind Nihalani
Mumbai - 12 Jun 2019 7:00 IST
Keyur Seta
Filmmaker Govind Nihalani directed Amitabh Bachchan for the first time in Dev (2004). The film was based on the subject of communalism and also starred Nihalani's perennial favourite Om Puri, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Fardeen Khan.
The director wants to make another film with Bachchan. He revealed this to during a conversation on 15 years of Dev (the film was released on 11 June 2004).
“If everything goes well, touchwood, we will soon be working together on a project," Nihalani said. "But it’s at the discussion stage [currently].”
Asked if this would be his next directorial venture, Nihalani said, “It can be the next or the one after that; I don’t know. But the fact is that discussions are going on. I would very much love to work with him. I feel sad that Om [Puri] is not around. That combination is something else.”
Although Dev was Nihalani’s first film with Bachchan, he had previously worked with the erstwhile superstar's wife, the veteran actress Jaya Bachchan. “When I was shooting, I had spoken with Jayaji. I had already done a film with her, Hazaar Chaurasi Ki Maa (1998). She said that once I work with Amitji I will always feel like working with him. As it turns out, even today I want to make films with him,” said Nihalani.