Actor Vikram will be seen next in the Tamil action thriller Kadaram Kondan, which has been produced by Kamal Haasan. The trailer was unveiled earlier this week at a grand event and, going by the visuals, the film promises racy action on a scale never seen before.
Directed by Rajesh M Selva, Kadaram Kondan stars Vikram as a secret agent gone rogue. The film also stars Akshara Haasan, Abi Mehdhi Hassan and Lena Abhilash in important roles.
The trailer opens with a shot of a young couple. A pregnant Akshara Haasan tells her husband that she is scared. Cut to next shot, we see that her husband gets abducted because he has something that the abductors want. It’s safe to assume that the couple may be embroiled in an international conspiracy.
Enter, Vikram, a secret agent who has gone rogue. As he takes control of the situation, bodies start to pile up and we get a glimpse of the racy action the film will offer. Throughout the trailer, Vikram carries a brooding personality. Looks like the agent has turned rogue after a personal tragedy.
At the audio launch, Kamal Haasan confirmed that the film will hit the screens on 19 July. He also heaped praise on Vikram for making Kadaram Kondan one of the most stylish action thrillers of Tamil cinema that can match Hollywood standards.
Reports say the film is an official remake of the French thriller À Bout Portant (2010), which was also remade in English as Point Blank. Notably, Selva’s last directorial project Thoongaavanam (2015) was also a remake of the French film Nuit Blanche (2011).
Watch the trailer of Kadaram Kondan and let us know if you are keen to watch this movie.