The controversies pursuing Kangana Ranaut-Rajkummar Rao's Judgmentall Hai Kya refuse to die down. A European photographer and artist Flora Borsi has now accused the makers of copying her signature style for the film's posters. Borsi shared images of her photographs and the film's poster which share a likeness.
Borsi tweeted out the image of Kangana Ranaut, with a cat forming her left eye, from the film, and wrote 'this movie poster plagiarised my art! Could someone explain what’s happening, please? This is not right.'
this movie poster plagarised my art! Could someone explain what’s happening, please? This is not right. #JudgementallHaiKya @balajimotionpic @sheenagola ??
— Flora Borsi (@FloraBorsi) July 29, 2019
She later shared pictures of Rajkummar Rao's tweet of the same poster with the sarcastic quip, 'oh yeah, this image somehow reminds me of.. oh wait. looks like totally my work!'
oh yeah, this image somehow reminds me of.. oh wait. looks like totally my work! 😕😕😕😕
— Flora Borsi (@FloraBorsi) July 29, 2019
Borsi is an artist and photographer from Hungary. She is known for her surreal portraits and photographs, and has won the Adobe 25 under 25 awards, as well as being featured in the Observer's Culture segment, and holding a 'Continental Shift' group exhibition at the prestigious Saatchi Gallery in London.
While it is not clear if the poster's similarity accounts to plagiarism, Borsi does seem to be quite serious in her intentions. When followers pointed out that such incidents are quite common with the film industry, Borsi wrote 'even if it is, it’s not right, and here I am, to make the first step!'
even if it is, it’s not right, and here I am, to make the first step!
— Flora Borsi (@FloraBorsi) July 29, 2019
Judgementall Hai Kya has already faced quite a few controversies beginning with its title to the feud between Ranaut and media journalists which broke out after the actress accused a journalist of running a 'smear campaign' against her.
The production house or the actors have not yet responded to Borsi's accusations.