Dinesh Vijan produced Arjun Patiala has been throwing some very interesting 'marketing tips' in the promotional runup to the release. The songs, meanwhile, continue to carry a very familiar sign of Hindi film music. The latest is the 'mandatory item song' titled 'Crazy Habibi Vs Decent Munda' featuring Sunny Leone with Diljit Dosanjh and Varun Sharma. The song is sung by Guru Randhawa, with music by Sachin-Jigar.
This is a typical club song with the music getting off to a signature beat at the opening. Visually, the song lacks some styling. It does not belong to the category of club songs with fast moving cameras, slow motion shots. Although it has Diljit Dosanjh bringing his own signature style to the visuals, it is Sunny Leone's appearance that makes this different. The actress seems to be taking a backseat in the song, for a change, as Dosanjh's Arjun Patiala serenades the 'habibi'. But as the duo get down on the dance floor, the music picks up a notch taking this song to the right level. The mix of Arabic beats (backup by Benny Dayal) and the club-style music is interesting.
For a Sachin-Jigar composition, this one is just a touch below the mark. Very catchy, and foot tapping music, the song is nonetheless one worth the listen. Guru Randhawa's vocals are in sync with Dosanjh's moves and are easy on the ears. The only downside is the absence of any lyrics for Sunny Leone.
Despite that, the song is definitely a plus for Sachin-Jigar's music and Guru Randhawa's voice.
Arjun Patiala is directed by Rohit Jugraj, and is set to be released on 26 July.