Even as the Hindi film industry deals with its own rampant sexism, Judgementall Hai Kya writer, Kanika Dhillon, decided to take things into her own hands. The writer reacted to the very sexist comments by actor Kamaal R Khan on Twitter, by dismissing him as 'obnoxious'.
While Khan has earned a reputation for his acerbic and sometimes, vitriolic, comments against personalities online, Dhillon was in no mood to let the offense pass. She took to Twitter saying that she was proud to be a woman with opinions and a strong voice. The writer signed off with a smart retort, '"Hopefully one day you will be man enough to deal with it."
He bullies ppl;attacks women,passes lewd sexist comments,indulges in slander.N v let him so he gets more obnoxious!Attack us-4 what?4 tryin 2 do R jobs!Yes I’m aWOMAN;I’m self made,I’m pretty n I have a VOICE! Hopefully oneday ull b man enuf 2deal wid it! @kamaalrkhan getwellsoon pic.twitter.com/lVsaw1QkST
— Kanika Dhillon (@KanikaDhillon) July 25, 2019
The tweet was a reply after the very cheap jibe by Khan on the writer through his social media account. Khan had tweeted 'I was always thinking that why does so beautiful girl #KanikaDhillon talks so much about sex in her films? Because I saw her beautiful pics only. But then I got chance to see her personally. And I came to know that she doesn’t have any other option to get out her frustration." The tweet is now unavailable.
Dhillon's reply earned her quite a few plaudits on social media, with followers praising her for outing Khan's constant jibes.
This is not the first time Kamaal R Khan has got into a spat with industry members. The actor also famously got into a spat with Ajay Devgn in 2016 after criticising his film Shivaay (2016).
Dhillon is the writer of Kangana Ranaut-Rajkummar Rao starrer, Judgementall Hai Kya, as well as Manmarziyaan (2018) and Kedarnath (2018)