Anubhav Sinha's Article 15 enjoyed a good hold at the box office on its first Monday, collecting Rs3.75-4 crore nett, according to The Monday collection takes the film's overall total to Rs23 crore nett. The film looks on its way to earn Rs30-34 crore nett, which is an impressive business considering the content and style of the film.
Article 15 review: Restrained Ayushmann Khurrana drives Anubhav Sinha's brilliant, layered film
The Ayushmann Khurrana-starrer opened slowly with Rs4.75 crore on Friday, 28 June, but has since continued to improve on its collection. At the end of its first weekend, the film's overall collection stood at Rs19 crore. The drop on first Monday was expected, but this is a decent turnover.
According to figures from, the film has a chance to touch the Rs50 crore mark. If it does, Anubhav Sinha's film can be declared a hit.
On the other hand, Shahid Kapoor's Kabir Singh continues to rake in the numbers. On its second Monday, the film pulled in Rs9 crore nett. This takes the 11-day collection of the film to Rs188 crore approx.
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The film has already proved to be one of the biggest hits of the year for Kapoor. According to, the film is likely to break Uri:The Surgical Stike's (2019) record of Rs62.76 crore and Padmaavat's (2018) earnings of Rs67 crore nett for the second week. The film is set to earn Rs77 crore approx in its second week, although the ongoing cricket world cup might seem to affect the collections slightly.
For now, the second week collection for the film stands at Rs54.75 crore approx. With no major star vehicle set to be released in the coming week, this number is expected to only increase.