Hrithik Roshan-starrer Super 30 has passed the Monday test fairly well. Directed by Vikas Bahl, the film earned Rs7 crore yesterday (15 July), as per figures shared by The film saw a 40 percent drop yesterday from its opening day number of Rs11.75 crore.
Super 30 review: Hrithik Roshan leads extraordinary story of a teacher and his special students
Super 30 had a successful weekend where it made Rs50.25 crore. This was the second highest weekend number for Hrithik after Bang Bang (2014), which had made Rs62 crore in its first three days at the box office. The thing to be noted is that Bang Bang had an extended weekend of four days. The film had released on Thursday 2 October, a national holiday for Gandhi Jayanti.
As per trade sources, the film is made at a budget of around Rs65 crore. It’s grand total so far stands at Rs57.25 crore. It will be interesting to see how it performs in the remaining days of week one which will determine if the film is a hit.
On the other hand, Shahid Kapoor-starrer Kabir Singh continued to earn decently even on its fourth Monday. The film, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, made Rs1.50 crore yesterday taking its overall total to a mammoth Rs257.71 crore. Kabir Singh is the highest grosser of 2019 so far.
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Meanwhile, Anubhav Sinha’s Article 15 earned a decent Rs75 lakh on its third Monday yesterday. The investigative drama, starring Ayushmann Khurrana. has so far made Rs57.89 crore against a budget of Rs28 crore.
Article 15 review: Restrained Ayushmann Khurrana drives Anubhav Sinha's brilliant, layered film