The director shared a long post on Twitter following Pooja Bhatt and Bejoy Nambiar's tweets about director Krish's quotes on Kangana Ranaut's film, Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi.
The past two years have been difficult, very difficult: Hansal Mehta opens up on his experiences with Kangana Ranaut
Mumbai - 29 Jan 2019 14:56 IST
Shriram Iyengar
Since director Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi (better known as Krish) revealed his version of the truth of being ousted from the project Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi (2019), the support for the director on social media is growing. While the film does carry Krish's name in the end credits as co-director, the manner of his replacement has not gone down well. This has also dragged Hansal Mehta, director of Simran (2017) into making a clarification.
Putting up a statement on his Twitter profile, Mehta said, "Many people keep dragging me into the controversies around Kangana Ranaut that seem to erupt from time to time. For the last time — Simran is a closed chapter as far as I am concerned. The details of what really transpired during the film will remain a painful chapter of my life that might find their way in a memoir some day but will never become a source of somebody's vicarious pleasure on social media [sic]."
Many people keep dragging me into the controversies around Kangana Ranaut that seem to erupt from time to time. For the last time - Simran is a closed chapter as far as i am concerned. The details of what really transpired during the film will remain a..
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) January 28, 2019
The statement refers to the fight between Ranaut and writer Apurva Asrani prior to the release of Simran. Ranaut had claimed co-writer credits for the film, while Asrani had named Ranaut as the reason for his ouster from the film.
Mehta went on to add, "The past two years have been difficult, very difficult. These years had impacted me financially, physically, and mentally." The director went on to add that 'life is too short for holding grudges and I will try my best to hold none.'
In addition, before Krish decided to take up the project, director Ketan Mehta had reportedly walked out of Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi after differences with Ranaut. He had later accused Ranaut of hijacking the project.
Manikarnika review: Kangana Ranaut's rebel queen makes a dent but takes too long to arrive
Asrani has been pursuing the debate on his Twitter profile, and posting in support of director Krish. Krish recently accused Ranaut of taking over the project. In an interview with BollywoodHungama, Krish said, "I don’t think how Kangana can sleep well by taking the first credit in direction when she does not deserve it."
Asrani tweeted: 'I wrote #Simran with a passion similar to the man in the video. But an insecure #KanganaRanaut started deleting other actors lines on set & made it about her."
This is painful, yet cathartic. I wrote #Simran with a passion similar to the man in the video. But an insecure #KanganaRanaut started deleting other actors lines on set & made it about her. Krish explains in frustration how she cut out historical characters from #Manikarnika too
— Apurva (@Apurvasrani) January 28, 2019
The writer found support in an unlikely ally in Pooja Bhatt who also tweeted her support.
This is so wrong... on every level... this is not the industry I was born to and not the industry I wish to inherit. Eventually it is credit we work for... money comes & money goes... the first rule of filmmaking is to acknowledge people’s contribution. 🙏
— Pooja Bhatt (@PoojaB1972) January 28, 2019
In addition, director Bejoy Nambiar also offered his piece on the issue. 'No one should have to go through something like this,' tweeted Nambiar.
This is just heartbreaking to watch ! No one should have to go through something like this. After #Simran & @Apurvasrani ‘s episode this is the 2nd time someone is calling her out. EARN your credit & GIVE credit where it’s due #KanganaRanaut
— Bejoy Nambiar (@nambiarbejoy) January 28, 2019
However, Ranaut's sister Rangoli Chandel took to Twitter to clarify that it was because Krish had overshot and gone overbudget that the writers' team had requested Ranaut to take charge. She even tagged the director to meet with Ranaut's team at the Kairos' (production house) office to clarify the issue over access to data.
I have spoken to Kangana and on her behalf I am officially declaring Kangana shot 70 percent of the film ( drama and action) with her primary DOP Kiran Deohans ,2nd DOP Sachin K Krishn and took 100 % final calls on edit with Rameshwar who Krish never met in his life ..@DirKrish
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) January 28, 2019
...and even current post team doesn’t know Krish..... they have been brought on board by Kangna ....she single handedly delivered first copy her producer was unwell ....if Krish can prove otherwise she will apologises and take her name back ... @DirKrish
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) January 28, 2019
....all the data is stored with clapboard and tacticians name ... and we announce Krish to have full access to it ... please go ahead with the proceedings... @DirKrish 🙏🏻
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) January 28, 2019
@DirKrish please send your person to Kairos office I will follow up on the material and everything, why don’t you prove to the people why wasting time on Twitter 😁
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) January 28, 2019
@DirKrish send your person to Kairos office right away I will coordinate and make sure they get access to the data, please note we are only talking about what is retained in the film cos it’s true krish shot 7 hours footage for two years and went over budget and..
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) January 28, 2019
.....when the studio head saw what was shot he refused to give his logo to that film ... team ( writers) requested Kangana to take charge of the situation and the studio reimbursed more money... @DirKrish 🙏🏻
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) January 28, 2019
Despite the controversy over it, Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi proved to have an improved collection on its first weekend earning Rs40 crore nett.
Director Krish recently helmed the first part of the NTR biopic, NTR Kathanayakudu.