In an unfortunate incident, a 35-year-old resident of Uttar Pradesh Ram Kumar, lost his life in a freak accident on the sets of actors Shahid Kapoor-Kiara Advani-starrer, Kabir Singh. The incident took place at the hotel where the crew were residing, and were about to begin shooting.
Kumar was among the local crew, and was working with the film unit as a generator operator. He was reportedly checking the water level in the generator, when his muffler was entangled in the fans. This caused severe injuries on his head, before the rest of the crew could spring into action.
Kumar was rushed to Max Hospital in Dehradun, where he was put on the ventilator for a while. However, the efforts proved futile as he lost his life.
The producers of the film, Cine1 and T-Series issued a joint statement, which read, "We are deeply saddened by the loss. We are extending our deepest sympathies to the family of Mr Ram Kumar. We are offering support to the family in the immediate aftermath of this tragic event."
Directed by Sandeep Vanga, Kabir Singh is a remake of the Telugu hit, Arjun Reddy (2017).