The Akshay Kumar-led Kesari revolution has begun. The makers of the film released the first look from Anurag Singh's upcoming film on the now famous Battle of Saragarhi in 1897. The film is produced by Dharma, and will see Akshay and Parineeti Chopra essay the lead roles.
The makers of the film had released several posters yesterday, before unveiling the teaser. With its brief glimpse, the teaser builds up the Battle of Saragarhi as the last stand of surrounded men. The teaser begins with the glimpse of a horde of Afghan warriors rushing into what looks like a fort, while a solitary figure stands in their path.
Armed with just a chakram (Circular disc) and a flaming sword, the figure seems to put up his last stand in the battle. From the earlier posters, it would be right to presume that the figure is the character of Havildar Ishar Singh, played by Akshay.
The Battle of Saragarhi is one of the more legendary battles in the pre-World War era for its resistance. The fight saw 21 Sikh soldiers of the 36th Sikh regiment of the British Indian army, fight off close to 10,000 Afghan warriors.
The trailer to the film, Kesari, is set to be released on 21 February, and the film will be out on 21 March.