Director Hansal Mehta’s upcoming film Turram Khan is now Chhalaang. The news was shared by male lead Rajkummar Rao on Twitter along with the film’s release date, 31 January 2020. The film also stars Nushrat 'Dream Girl' Bharucha.
Making a grand announcement, Rajkummar Rao said on Twitter, “Main aur Nushrat ab maarenge chhalaang! Our next film directed by Hansal Mehta sir is now named Chhalaang. See you in theatres on 31st Jan, 2020!” The actor also shared a picture of himself, Bharucha and Mehta posing in a rural setting.
Main aur Nushrat Ab Maarenge Chhalaang! Our next film directed by @mehtahansal sir is now named “Chhalaang”. See you in theatres on 31st Jan, 2020!@ChhalaangFilm @NushratBharucha @mehtahansal @ajaydevgn @luv_ranjan @gargankur @itsBhushanKumar @ADFFilms @LuvFilms @TSeries
— Rajkummar Rao (@RajkummarRao) December 7, 2019
Chhalaang is produced jointly by Ajay Devgn, Luv Ranjan and Bhushan Kumar under their respective banners Ajay Devgn Films, Luv Films and T-Series.
The film is a comedy, a first for Mehta. The filmmaker had revealed this while announcing the project last year on Twitter. “So finally a comedy! Turram Khan. Makes me feel like I am debuting all over again! Back with my favourite Rajkummar Rao and wonderful to be working with Nushrat Bharucha,” he had said.
So finally a COMEDY! #TurramKhan. Makes me feel like I am debuting all over again!
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) September 10, 2018
Back with my favourite @RajkummarRao & wonderful to be working with @NushratBharucha.
Looking forward to this exciting collaboration with @AjayDevgn @Luv_Ranjan & @gargankur @TurramKhan
This is Rajkummar Rao's second project with Bharucha after Dibakar Banerjee’s Love Sex Aur Dhoka (2010). They, however, featured in different segments of that anthology film and did not have any scenes together.