Debaloy Bhattacharya's upcoming film, Dracula Sir (2020), starring Mimi Chakraborty and Anirban Bhattacharya as the leads, will not only feature the two in a film together for the first time, but will also mark the return of Chakraborty to films, as she recently took a sabbatical as a newly appointed member of the Parliament.
In the film, Bhattacharya will be playing the titular role. A primary school teacher, Bhattacharya, earns the name Dracula Sir, for his protruding canine teeth. However, destiny eventually pushes him to turn into the rumoured avatar, and Bhattacharya then narrates a tale of love and revenge from 1971.
Chakraborty plays Manjari, a woman from the 1970s. “Mimi has a melancholia and a sadness that has never been explored. The character of Manjari from 1971 who drives the narrative silently needs the same. I was a fan of Pupe (a role essayed previously by Mimi) from [the television show] Gaaner Oparey days, and this character of Manjari has a shed of Pupe's poise," the director stated in a press release.
Debaloy further added that he will attempt to explore the idea of a Bengali Dracula through the narrative. “This film is my search for the Bengali Dracula without the castle, who is out to create his own myth," he said.
The director, known for Bidaay Byomkesh (2018), said he wrote the character of Dracula with keeping Anirban in mind. “He was the first and last choice for this character. He has the range where from an underdog, he can become a larger-than-life character. He is undoubtably the most promising young face on screen today. Excited and waiting to go to floor," Debaloy commented.
Dracula Sir is slated to go on the floors from January 2020.