Actor Suriya, who was last seen in Tamil film Kaappaan (2019) and currently awaits the release of Soorarai Pottru (2019), has signed a new project dubbed Suriya 40 with filmmaker Vetrimaaran. The yet-untitled film will mark their maiden collaboration.
To be bankrolled by Kalaipuli S Thanu, who produced Asuran (2019); this will be the first time Vetrimaaran will be teaming up with an actor apart from Dhanush.
Rumour has it that Vetrimaaran’s project with actor-comedian Soori, which was supposed to take off in December, has been shelved for reasons unknown. Vetrimaaran will use the time he had set aside for Soori’s project to direct his film with Suriya.
Vetrimaaran, who is basking in the phenomenal success of Asuran, recently confirmed that he’s directed a segment in Netflix’s maiden Tamil production venture as part of an anthology. His portion will feature Sai Pallavi and Prakash Raj.
Other segments of the anthology have been directed by Vignesh Shivn, Sudha Kongara and Gautham Vasudev Menon. Honour killing will be the theme of the anthology.
Suriya has pinned high hopes on this project which is expected to roll from January 2020. After the debacle of Kaappaan, it is believed that Suriya has decided to take time to sign his next project. This film with Vetrimaaran has been in discussion stage for a while.
Suriya also has a project with Singam franchise director Hari. However, this film is expected to take off only in the second half of next year.