Directed by Shirish Rane, the film is produced by Sandeep Patil, Alankrit Rathod and Pandit Rathod.
Mukta Barve, Santosh Juvekar, Sayaji Shinde, Anant Jog join hands to say Aata Bass in first poster
Mumbai - 08 Aug 2019 11:57 IST
Keyur Seta
The large ensemble cast of Mukta Barve, Sayaji Shinde, Anant Jog, Santosh Juvekar, Pushkar Shrotri, Manoj Joshi, Sushant Shelar, Sunil Barve, Vidyadhar Joshi and others have come together for the Marathi film titled Aata Bass [Now Enough].
Directed by Shirish Rane, the film is produced by Sandeep Patil, Alankrit Rathod and Pandit Rathod.
It is not often that so many artistes come on board a film. We can recall one such occurrence in Marathi cinema with Amol Palekar’s We Are On: Houn Jau Dya (2012). Despite the long list of talent, the end result wasn’t pleasing.
The makers of Aata Bass have come up with the first poster of the film. It only features Mukta Barve, Sayaji Shinde, Anant Jog and Manoj Joshi on it. All artistes look quite serious. It will be interesting to see the type of characters each one plays.
Aata Bass deals with the issue of corruption carried out by politicians. The context of the title is – now enough of corruption.
This is Rane’s second film as a director after Janma (2011). The release date of Aata Bass is yet to be announced.
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