Filmmaker Hansal Mehta’s upcoming web-series Scam 1992 went on the floors yesterday. It is based on author duo Debashis Basu and Sucheta Dalal’s book The Scam: From Harshad Mehta to Ketan Parekh.
Scam 1992 is being produced for Applause Entertainment by Studio Next. The news about it going on the floors was shared by the CEO of the production house, Sameer Nair, on Twitter along with a couple of pictures with the crew.
The series will look at some of the scams that shook the country's financial systems and stock markets in the 1990s, like the infamous securities scam perpetrated by stockbroker Harshad Mehta. The first season of the series will focus on Mehta's scam. Saurav Dey and Sumit Purohit have written the episodes of the first season while the dialogues have been penned by Vaibhav Vishal.
The names of the artistes are currently being kept under wraps and even the pictures shared by Nair do not feature any actors or actresses. It will be interesting to see who plays Harshad Mehta.
Mehta was a stockbroker, popularly known as the Big Bull, who got embroiled in various financial scandals in the early 1990s. He was convicted by the Bombay high court and sentenced to five years' rigorous imprisonment. Mehta died, aged 47, on 31 December 2001 after suffering a heart attack in prison.
An independent Hindi movie titled Gafla (2006) was based on Mehta’s financial scams. Directed by Sameer Hanchate, the film went unnoticed at the box office though it was appreciated at some festivals.