The makers of Section 375 (2019), starring Akshaye Khanna and Richa Chadha, have been summoned by a Pune civil court following a petition by a lawyer suggesting that the film's teaser 'maligns' officers of the law and presents a 'wrong portrait' for victims.
The film, directed by Ajay Bahl, deals with two lawyers fighting on opposite sides of a filmmaker accused of rape. Citing the teaser of the film, the petitioner Wajed Khan, suggested that the film will create a 'wrong impression' among victims, dissuading them from approaching the court for justices.
Khan also quoted in his petition that the teaser of the film 'maligns' lawyers through its portrayal, and presents the legal profession in a bad light.
The quoted Khan as saying, "In one of the scenes, a male police officer is seen taking statement of a rape survivor in open in a police station and in court also, the rape victim is seen giving answers to vulgar questions of a lawyer."
In view of the petition, judge RH Nathani has called in the producers Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Mangat Pathak to present their side of the case before 9 September.
The film will close the third edition of the Singapore South Asian International Film Festival (SgSAIFF) on 7 September and is due to be released in theatres on 13 September.