Well-known Marathi film actor Ankush Chaudhari has announced that his next is titled Triple Seat will be this year’s Diwali release. The actor made the announcement on his official Facebook page by sharing a motion poster of the film.
It seems the film aims to be an out-and-out entertainer. It has Chaudhari posing as Lord Krishna with a flute. We can also see half of two actresses. One of the two is Shivani Surve, who recently became popular because of her stint in this year’s Bigg Boss Marathi, and Pallavi Patil from Boyz 2 (2018).
With Triple Seat, Chaudhari will be returning to the big screen after a gap of almost two years. His last release was Deva (2017). The film was an official remake of director Martin Prakkat’s Malayalam film Charlie (2015) starring Dulquer Salmaan.
Interestingly, Chaudhari had starred in a film titled Double Seat (2015). Directed by Sameer Vidwans, the film saw him paired opposite Mukta Barve. However, Triple Seat doesn’t have any connection to the 2015 film, even thought the title indicates that it’s likely the next movie in the series.
Triple Seat is due to be released on 24 October. The romantic film, directed by Sanket Prakash Pavase, is produced by Anushka Motion Pictures and Entertainment and Ahmednagar Film Company.