Ayushmann Khurrana literally set the small screen on fire in the trailer of director Raaj Shaandilyaa’s Dream Girl. The promo gave the feeling that the actor must not have put a foot wrong in the movie where his character pretends to be a woman.
Talking about foot, Khurrana's foot-tapping dance number from the film, ‘Radhe Radhe’, was released a while back. In his seven-year film career so far, the actor, despite having been part of a number of impressive films, hasn’t had many opportunities to show us his footwork.
This time he has got the chance and boy, does he make the most of it! Khurrana appears not just comfortable but a natural on the dance floor. His pairing with Nushrat Bharucha works well.
Meet Bros have the maximum contribution in creating the kind of tunes that force you to dance. Amit Gupta has shown the right range and energy needed for such a track. We have seen Radha and Krishna’s love being described in various ways. Yet, lyricist Kumaar’s description here is creative and stands apart from the rest.
Dream Girl is the directorial debut of Shaandilyaa who has been a writer on a number of films like Welcome Back (2015), Freaky Ali (2016) and last week's release Jabariya Jodi (2019).
Dream Girl will be in theatres from 13 September. Watch the 'Radhe Radhe' song below and let us know how keen you are to watch this film.